Refs: April 13, 2017

American Bar Association, ed., Fund Director’s Guidebook, 4th edition (Chicago, Illinois: ABA, Business Law Section, 2015).

Kurt J. Berney, Mitchell S. Presser, and David H. Wasserman, eds., Private Equity & Venture Capital Investing: Legal, Financial & Strategic Techniques for Successful Investing, Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series, no. B-1276 (New York, N.Y: Practising Law Institute, 2001).

Danah Boyd, “Toward Accountability: Data, Fairness, Algorithms, Consequences,” Data & Society: Points, April 12, 2017,

Justin J. Camp, Venture Capital Due Diligence: A Guide to Making Smart Investment Choices and Increasing Your Portfolio Returns, Wiley Finance Series (New York: Wiley, 2002).

John Henry, “Mastodon Is Dead in the Water,” Hacker Noon, April 5, 2017,

Ilya Pestov, “How PCs Were Advertised in the 1990s,” freeCodeCamp, February 11, 2017,

M. G. Siegler, “The Squid,” 500ish Words, March 27, 2017,

Andy Sparks, “All the Venture Capital & Fundraising Bloggers You Should Be Following,” Medium, January 25, 2017,

Rick Turoczy, “An Open Source Guide for Building the Startup Accelerator of Your Dreams,” Medium, April 4, 2017,

Alex Wilmerding, Term Sheets & Valuations: An inside Look at the Intricacies of Term Sheets & Valuations (Bedford, MA: Aspatore Books, 2001).

“How We Built r/Place,” Upvoted, April 13, 2017,


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