Tag: Flyover Geeks
Why Inspirational Speaker-Entrepreneurs Are So Disappointing
An excerpt from my most recent Flyover Geeks post. Read the whole thing here. What is it that makes a charismatic leader? Is it his or her message, or its delivery? Or is it something else, perhaps the inclination of the audience to believe it? In 1978, 918 people died at the Peoples Temple Agricultural…
Now, I’m sure hordes of grumpy old men in tweed jackets collectively carp about the increasing focus on commerce in the classroom, about the decay of classic liberal arts dogma about Truth and Beauty, and all that jazz. What I say to that: grow up. Fact: for as long as a college degree is a…
The Upstart’s Conundrum: Time Crunch
College entrepreneurs around the country are at once impelled by their institutions to “innovate” and launch ventures, yet stymied by organizational structures and other systemic constraints that render college an inopportune time to gain entrepreneurial experience.
Why Young Geeks Leave School
For this series, I’ve Skyped gawky, venture-capitalized college kids who’re still grappling with acne. It seems as though tech entrepreneurs are getting younger.
Thiel’s 20-20 Vision: Stop Out of College
Here is the first paragraph of a post I wrote for Flyover Geeks, the remainder of which can be found here. The average cost of a college education at a private institution is just short of $37,000 per year, according to an NPR survey last October. One important question students ask themselves when entering is, “What…
Careerism is Dead.
I’m now blogging for Flyover Geeks, a Chicago-based blog aiming to be the TechCrunch of the midwest, the “flyover states”. I’ve been tasked with writing about college, entrepreneurship, and my opinion of both/either of them. Here, on The Halcyon Days, I’ve posted the first paragraph of my Flyover Geeks post, “Careerism is Dead”. It is…