Introducing Oratorize.

Of many things, the prime one that precluded me from writing on The Halcyon Days is not my college workload (which can be largely shirked and/or explained away) but the fact that I’ve been doing a lot of freelance writing for a couple of websites and fleshing out the skeleton I built for Kairos Praxis.

It looks like I’m going to be writing the promotional documents for their NYC 2011 Global Summit, which will be a solid long weekend of writing. In light of these requests to put my noetic machinery to some constructive cause, I’ve founded a company I call “Oratorize.”

Oratorize is a copywriting, copyediting, and “special situations” writing service. Oratorize seeks to provide competitively priced writing and editing services with prompt, highly responsive, and intuitive user interface. A list of specific services is forthcoming, as is the website, which will be at


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