Question to ask somebody:
When you think, do you do as I do
and sing the words a little bit
to a tune you do not know,
nor to which you might not see
the next bars of on the score?
Do you like me swing low
over the phrases of this poem,
thrashing, gesticulating explosively?
When you think, do you not notice
that you speak slower, and perceive
an oscillating,
a vacillating,
feel tactily the /meaning/
of these words?
When you think, do you realize
that when we think
we parse out singable phrases?
Your thought,
it’s not monotone,
^ Note:
If I used the word “monotonic” here,
I would have screwed things up,
lyrically, harmonically,
for you, reader. Remember that
the meamest way to end a sentence
is indefinitely, sans point, with lol
You just don’t get that satisfaction,
that sailiency,
with ‘lol’.
>> Metanote: lol, metanotes.
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Commentary: note the ambiguity of the question. Samesies w/r/t the title. Literally, how does it hit you?
Question: how many layers of meta can you find in this?
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