The Halcyon Days will be going on a brief hiatus while its principal contributor, Jason D. Rowley, (a.k.a me) finishes up a graduate school application (the three page “statement of intent” of which will be posted for HD‘s readers’ perusal) and visits Washington, D.C..
In the meantime, though, I highly recommend some of my friends’ blogs, each of which play a more optimistic counterpoint to my sardonic analysis of matters collegiate, entrepreneurial &c. Chief among them, I’d check out Ted Gonder, Patrick Ip, and Colin Young‘s blogs. Furthermore, please heed this shameless plug for Flyover Geeks, for which I contribute a column on the weekly.
In other news, work on the United Nations Academic Impact program is coming along quite nicely… expect more about that here on The Halcyon Days, and on the UNAI students’ official blog which is currently under construction.
There are a number of very long essays in the works, hopefully for publication as ebooks. One of which, an as yet untitled piece, examines American consumerism vis-a-vis Christmas vis-a-vis the teachings of Jesus Christ vis-a-vis the Catholic church and its doctrine. It promises to be, per usual, incendiary. Additionally, a short story is growing ever longer. Code Switcher, an excerpt from which can be found here on this blog, gets more and more complicated, and has required more research into mental disorders relating to split- and multiple personalities than expected.
For readers new to The Halcyon Days, the bulleted list below offers links to older posts considered especially emblematic of HD‘s mien. Do enjoy them, and please provide you feedback on the newly-installed contact form in the menu bar. I’m always in need of new topics about which to write.
HALCYON DAYS :: Best of June-December 2010
- Are You Too Smart for College? (June 3, 2010)
- How to Get Into College: Steal This (August 23, 2010)
- On College, Critical Thought, Cattle and Baking (November 9, 2010)
- How I Learned to Stop Learning, Gush Platitude and Get A’s in Critical Thinking Courses (September 27, 2010)
- The Declaration of Student Involvement in the United Nations Academic Impact (December 17, 2010)
- On the Hating of Haters (July 28, 2010)
- How to get in great shape, get a comprehensive education from the world’s best institutions, make friends, and earn almost $75k… All in less than a year!!! (September 11, 2010)
- In Defense of Fiction: On Nuance (August 17, 2010)
- Day 3, Sparta: Jason Goes to Church (September 5, 2010)
- Who Says Facebook Killed Smart Public Discourse? (November 30, 2010)
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